Greenhouse gas flux measurements at the zero curtain, North Slope, Alaska, 2012-2017

Climate change is affecting the Arctic at an unprecedented rate, potentially releasing substantial amounts of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) from tundra ecosystems. Measuring greenhouse gas emissions in the Arctic, particularly outside of the summer period, is very challenging due to extreme weather conditions. The University of Sheffield (USFD), the University of Exeter and the San Diego State University (SDSU) are therefore collaborating on data collection, processing, quality control and harmonisation of greenhouse gas measurements at 5 eddy covariance towers in North Slope, Alaska, as well as meteorological observations in the surrounding area. As part of INTAROS, USFD has been in charge of greenhouse gas measurements and their publication in an open data repository.

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Field Value
Principal Investigator Donatella Zona
Data Curator Terenzio zenone
Last Updated July 26, 2019, 07:51 (+0200)
Created July 21, 2019, 22:56 (+0200)
Parameter name(s) Date, time, DOY,Daytime, H, qc_h, LE, qc_LE, CO2 fluxes, qc_CO2 fluxes, H2O fluxes, qc_H2O fluxes, CH4 fluxes, qc_CH4 fluxes,CO2 molar density, CO2 mole fraction, CO2 mixing ratio, Air Temperature, Air Pressure, panel_T_AVG L,PAR_AVG L,Rsolar_AVG L,Rnet_Raw_AVG L,Rnet_NWC_AVG L,Rnet_WC_AVG L,Soil_1_AVG L,Soil_2_AVG L,Soil2_1_AVG L,Soil2_2_AVG L,Air_T_AVG,G_1_AVG L, LRH_AVG L, G_2_AVG L, G_3_AVG L, PPT_TOT L, WS_MS_S_WVT L, WD_D1_WVT L, WD_SD1_WVT L, PAR_DOWN_AVG L, Press_mb_AVG L, SS_Tl_R_AVG L, SS_Dif_R_AVG L, SWC_1_AVG L, SWC_2_AVG L, SWC_3_AVG L, SWC_4_AVG L, P2_SWC_5_AVG L, P2_SWC_15_AVG L, , P3_SWC_5_AVG L, P3_SWC_15_AVG L, P3_SWC_30_AVG L, P2_SWC_40_AVG L, P3_SWC_40_AVG L, P3_SolT5_AVG L, P3_SolT15_AVG L, P3_SolT30_AVG L, , P4_SolT15_AVG L, P4_SolT30_AVG L, SnowDepth L,T_Temp_C_AVG L
Project/Program name(s) INTAROS, NSF, NASA CARVE, NASA ABOVE
Observing system name Eddy covariance systems (Fluxnet, Ameriflux)