Lake Ice Classification from Sentinel-1, 2015-2017, Barrow, Alaska (US)

Weekly lake ice classifications distinguish grounded ice and floating ice in lakes based on Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B synthetic aperture radar time-series with a resolution of 18 m in mid to late April, 2015-2017. The dataset contains two classes: grounded ice (CLASS 1) and floating ice (CLASS 2). Three versions of the product are provided using three different algorithms: 1) image thresholding (THRESH), 2) unsupervised image segmentation using K-means classification (KMEANS), and 3) unsupervised image segmentation using the Iterative Region Growing with Semantics (IRGSEM) algorithm. All version contain two classes: grounded ice (CLASS 1) and floating ice (CLASS 2).

More information about image processing and classification can be found in the product guide.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Principal Investigator None
Data Curator Duguay, Claude R.
Version 1.0
Last Updated September 16, 2020, 15:15 (+0200)
Created September 16, 2020, 15:15 (+0200)
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