Freeze/Thaw Timing from ENVISAT ASAR GM, 2005-2010, Alaska North Slope and Alaska Highway, Alaska (US)

The SAR Freeze/Thaw product indicates the timing (day of year) of ground surface freeze-up and thawing at a resolution of 1 km. It is derived from the ENVISAT ASAR sensor operating in Global Monitoring (GM) mode. The SAR F/T product represents timing (day of year) of ground surface freeze-up and thawing at a resolution of 1 km. The version 2 release of the data covers the years 2005 through 2010 for the regional sites Ob Estuary, Alaska, Mackenzie, Laptev Sea Coast and Central Yakutia. Product quality and geographical coverage is strongly dependent on the availability of ASAR GM data. The available number of measurements per year is supplied with the dataset.

More information about the image processing and the freeze/thaw retrieval can be found in the product guide.

This dataset is part of the ESA Data User Element (DUE) Permafrost Full Product Set.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Data Curator Annett Bartsch
Version 2.0
Last Updated September 16, 2020, 15:15 (+0200)
Created September 16, 2020, 15:15 (+0200)
encoding utf8
preview /dataset/4171da13-b489-4282-8154-9f087c1fb299/resource/f7c26c1b-b3c0-45db-9dbb-a87cca0cd916/download/rftalaska.png
Spatia { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [-151.00, 71.00], [-144.5,71.00 ], [-144.5, 61.5 ], [ -151.00,61.5], [-151.00, 71.00] ] ] }