
The dataset contains data from a 2-month (07/25 to 09/22 2017) glider mission in eastern Fram Strait . Maximum depth of the dives was 1000 m. The Slocum glider was equipped with CTD, O2, fluorescence and backscatter sensors.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Principal Investigator Marie-Noelle Houssais
Data Curator Marie-Noelle Houssais
Last Updated July 26, 2019, 18:24 (+0200)
Created July 25, 2019, 13:15 (+0200)
Parameter name(s) Pressure, ITS-90 temperature, conductivity, practical salinity, dissolved oxygen, backscattering coefficient at 700 nm, CDOM fluorescence, chlorophyll fluorescence, depth-averaged velocity
Project/Program name(s) INTAROS-SVALBARD (French Polar Institute, IPEV) and TAIGA (CNRS-INSU)