NIVA Barents Sea Opening FerryBox

FerryBox sensor data from fixed depth between Tromsø, Norway and Longyearbyen, Svalbard on M/S Norbjørn. Approximately 30 round-trips per year. Data files from NIVA Barents Sea Opening FerryBox are named with prefix "NIVA_NB...[date].csv.gz". The .gz file can be decompressed with 7zip or similar open-source software. We recommend using FTP software such as FileZilla or similar open-source software for accessing the FTP database.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Principal Investigator Andrew King
Data Curator Pierre Jaccard
Last Updated July 17, 2019, 16:21 (+0200)
Created November 28, 2018, 13:17 (+0100)
Parameter name(s) time, date, lat, long, sea surface salinity, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a fluorescence, turbidity
Project/Program name(s) NIVA, NorSOOP, JERICO-NEXT, INTAROS
Observing system name NorSOOP