Permafrost Extent and Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2016, Northern Hemisphere Permafrost

The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for the Northern Hemisphere at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability (fraction values from 0 to 1) is assigned to each grid cell with MAGT < 0°C. Based on its permafrost probability each grid cell is classified as continuous, discontinuous and sporadic permafrost. The processing extent covers exposed land areas of Northern Hemisphere down to 25 ° latitude. The mean MAGT was validated with GTN-P and TSP borehole ground temperature data yielded RMS of 2.0 °C. According to the results permafrost (MAGT < 0 °C) covers 15 % of exposed land of the Northern Hemisphere.

The NetCDF files contain resampled data from GeoTiffs (see initial product guide) to approx. 5, 10 and 25 km spatial resolution (available as separate files). The data are in pretended regular lat-lon-grid from and contain both metric x and y coordinates in addition to geographic (latitude and longitude) coordinates. Each NetCDF file contains mean annual ground temperature (variable name: MAGT) dataset, permafrost occurrence probability dataset (variable name: PerProb) and standard deviation of mean annual ground temperature dataset (variable name: SD).

More Information about the product and it´s modelling method can be found in the product guide.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Principal Investigator Westermann, Sebastian
Data Curator Obu, Jaroslav
Version 5.0
Last Updated September 16, 2020, 15:16 (+0200)
Created September 16, 2020, 15:16 (+0200)
WebGIS-Link[83.60896027995354,-124.0770808200391]&lyr=["globpermafrost-arctic::Mean Annual Ground Temperature 2000-2016 in /:deg;C","globpermafrost-arctic::Mean Annual Ground Temperature STD 2000-2016 in /:deg;C","globpermafrost-arctic::Permafrost Probability 2000-2016"]&sb=e#home
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