Distribution of pingos from topographic maps, permafrost region, Siberia (RU)

A detailed attributed point feature shapefile of 6059 pingo locations in a 3.5 × 10⁶ km² region of northern Asia was manually assembled from 1:200 000 scale Russian topographic maps. These medium-scale maps are based on detailed mapping efforts at 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 scales, which in turn are derived from aerial photography acquired in the 1970–1980s (Soviet Military Topographic Survey or Voenno-Topograficheskoe Upravle-nie General’nogo Shtaba, VTU GSh). A first order analysis of pingo distribution was carried out with respect to permafrost, landscape characteristics, surface geology, hydrology, climate, and elevation datasets using a Geographic Information System. The study area comprises the North Asian lowland regions of North, Northeast, Far East and Central Siberia and adjacent mountain ranges from 60.0° N to 76.3° N latitude and 60.0° E to 180.0° W longitude. The geographic re-gions covered in this study are the northern part of the West Siberian Lowlands including the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, Taymyr Peninsula, Putorana Plateau, Khatanga-Anabar-Olenek Lowlands, Lena River Delta, Lena River Valley, central Yakutian Lowlands around Yakutsk; Yana-Indigirka-Kolyma Lowlands, New Siberian Islands, and the far east Siberian Chukotka region.

Detailed information about the methods can be found in the publication to which this dataset is a supplement.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.906222
Principal Investigator None
Data Curator Grosse, Guido
Version 1.0
Last Updated September 16, 2020, 15:16 (+0200)
Created September 16, 2020, 15:16 (+0200)
Is Supplement to Grosse, G. and Jones, B. M.: Spatial distribution of pingos in northern Asia, The Cryosphere, 5, 13-33, https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-5-13-2011, 2011.
encoding utf8
harvest_url https://apgc.awi.de//dataset/
preview /dataset/73604554-ceeb-4488-a273-92e2c7c4a0b7/resource/32fc6df5-5101-486f-93c4-d41a08429464/download/grosse_jones_pingos_in_northasia_2011.png
Spatia { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -180, 53.366614], [ -180, 90 ], [ 180, 90 ], [ 180, 53.366614 ], [ -180, 53.366614] ] ] }